Sun Timothy

(Hong Kong)

Timothy Sun began his music studies at the age of 7. He studied the saxophone and clarinet with Mr. George Galway at the Ellen Wilkinson High School of Art in England since 1997, and in 2001 became the first Chinese saxophone and clarinet student of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama under a full scholarship for his Bachelor’s degree, where his principal teachers were the world-renowned saxophonists John Harle and Christian Forshaw. He had also worked with clarinettist Julian Farrell and flautist Glen Martin and in 2006 completed his Master’s degree under a school scholarship and received the highest score in final recital.
In recent seasons, Sun has appeared in more than 100 recitals and orchestral concerts in Asia and Europe. He performed as a soloist with Macau Chinese Orchestra, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra, Guiyang Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong Festival Orchestra, Symphonic Cordiality, New Music Ensemble, Citywinds Ensemble, Hong Kong Young Musicians Wind Orchestra, Hong Kong Wind Symphony, PanAsia Symphony Orchestra, Belilios Winds, SIU2, Macau Youth Orchestra and the Macau Youth Symphonic band. He has been interviewed by the South China Morning Post UK Chinese Times, Macao Daily, Milk, Mr, Esquire, Pmagazine, TVB, and the RTHK Radio 4, which broadcasted his live performance.
Timothy Sun is one of the artists of the “Buffet Crampon” and “Vandoren Paris” He is currently saxophone lecturer coach at the Macau Conservatory, Hong Kong Academy for performing arts and the Baptist University.

孫穎麟 Timothy Sun

為現時港澳最活躍的薩克管青年演奏家之一。他7歲開始接受音樂訓練, 1997年赴笈英國衛甘遜藝術中學主修音樂及藝術,師從佐冶.哥威學習薩克管和單簧管。2001年獲全額獎學金入讀倫敦吉爾德霍爾音樂及戲劇學院,師從世界著名薩克管演奏家約翰.哈爾及基斯安.霍梭,亦跟隨朱利安.法里奧學習單簧管及葛倫.馬田學習長笛。完成學士學位後,獲該校頒發獎學金進修碩士課程,2006年以優異成績畢業 , 並於其畢業演奏會取得最高分數。
孫穎麟曾以獨奏者身份與《香港小交響樂團》、《澳門樂團》 、《貴陽交響樂團》、《浙江交響樂團》、《澳門中樂團》、《香港節慶管弦樂團 》、《香港創樂團》、《泛亞交響樂團》、《Citywinds Ensemble》、《庇理羅士管樂團   、《SIU2》  、《通利新青年管樂團 》 、《澳門青年管樂團 》、《澳門青年管弦樂團 》 、《《澳門樂團》 、《香港靑年管樂演奏家樂團》《Laptop orchestra》等合作。
他回港澳至今已參與超過一百場演奏會 。他曾接受《南華早報》、《英中時報》、《澳門日報》、《星島日報》、《信報》、《明報》、《香港無線電視》、《鳳皇衛視》、《Mr》、《Esquire》及香港英國華人電台的專訪,及於香港電台第四台作演出錄音和接受訪問 。
孫穎麟現為法國 “Buffet Crampon” 和 “Vandoren Paris” 的品牌藝術家。並任教於澳門演藝學院 、香港演藝學院及香港浸會大學。